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Collaboration opportunity: testing of natural products for activation of the nuclear receptor PPARgamma

PPARgamma is ligand-activated nuclear receptor which is a therapeutic target for the treatment of metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

This receptor is a common target activated by many natural compounds present in food or in medicinal plants. Some of my publications on the topic are listed below.

A review:

Research publications:

As a research collaboration, I now offer testing of plant extracts or isolated natural compounds for PPARgamma activation (in particular, in vitro receptor-binding assay with purified PPARgamma receptor). I will list below details on what kind of extracts or natural compounds I would be interested to test.

1) Extracts. The extracts need to be characterized phytochemically by you. My contribution will be just one bioactivity assay (the mentioned PPARgamma activation assay) and therefore you need to take the lead in publishing the data (the majority of the work in resulting publication needs to be analytical work for the characterization of the extract). In case you like to offer some extracts for testing, I would need in advance the following information:

- Suggestion how you plan to publish the data (including a suggestion for a journal that will be targeted);

- Literature research (PubMed and Google Scholar) to find out if the respective species was/were ever tested before for PPARgamma activation;

- Information for your previous experience in phytochemical analysis (e.g., previous peer reviewed publications in high-quality (Q1) phytochemical journals).

When considering this possibility for collaboration, please be aware that PPARgamma is activated by some very interesting natural compounds with “unusual” structures, but also by some very common plant ingredients such as fatty acids. Of course, the later possibility is less interesting in general.

2) Isolated natural compounds. In case that an interesting natural compound is identified in the initial screening – I can also add on further PPARgamma-related experimental models to further characterize the compound as a PPARgamma ligand (including also cell-based models for PPARgamma activation). Such collaboration might be published with a leading role by me or by you (depending if the publication will finally contain more pharmacological data supplied by me, or more phytochemical data supplied by you). In case you would like to offer certain natural compounds for testing, I would need in advance the following information:

- Why you think that the respective compound(s) is/are interesting for testing;

- Literature research (PubMed and Google Scholar) to find out if the respective natural compounds were ever tested before for PPARgamma activation;

When considering this possibility for collaboration, please be aware that I am not so much interested in synthetic compounds, since my major research focus is nutrigenomics and bioactive natural products.

The screening of extracts and pure natural compounds for PPARgamma activation is expected to start around the middle of January 2017, and we will test the samples according to the order in which we have received it.

If interested in this collaboration opportunity – please write me by email ( a.atanasov@ighz.pl and atanas.atanasov@univie.ac.at ) and with the information indicated in points 1) or 2) above.

With best wishes,

Atanas G. Atanasov

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Atanas_Atanasov

Social media: https://about.me/atanas_at

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